CG Made Easy is an online software solution that supports all aspects of your charitable gambling operation. Now, you can finally ditch that old paper-based system and run your business the modern way with accuracy and confidence.
CG Made Easy helps you easily manage your physical and perpetual inventories, including bingo sheets, raffle tickets and merchandise.
Quickly track and categorize every deposit and all expenses. CG Made Easy helps you document everything making reconciliation as simple as a click of a button.
Enter the basic results from raffle, bingo, paddle ticket, and tipboard sessions and let the system auto-track all deposits, merchandise awarded, and unsolds for the tax return.
They will be back and CGME is ready to help you manage your sessions and ensure accurate reporting on your monthly tax returns.
Bingo paper inventory and session tracking is maintained. Stay compliant with all your required bingo reports.
With CG, meat raffles are easy to manage with paddle tickets, tipboards, or raffle tickets session reporting.
Month-End Tax Returns are error free and automatically efiled to the MN Department of Revenue and transmitted to the Gambling Control Board.
Detailed inventory reports, comprehensive banking and GL reports all help you stay compliant. Rent calculation and city tax calculation reports are a click away.
Trusted Across Minnesota!!